Community Cinema Tonight at the Fayetteville Public Library

-By Katy Henriksen

Chances are you’ve watched a compelling documentary film in the privacy of your own home and, as the credits roll, you yearn for someone to discuss the provoking content, but there’s no one else there. Community Cinema, whose motto is "engaging communities through film," aims to change that.

Tonight’s your last chance of the season to catch a free screening followed by a community forum in the Walker Community Room of the Fayetteville Public Library. Join me at 6 p.m. for Love Free or Die, a documentary about Bishop Gene Robinson, an openly gay clergy of the Episcopal Church who fights for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender equality.

In addition to seeing the film prior to being aired as a part of the Emmy-winning PBS series Independent Lens, you can join in on the discussion I’m moderating with Lowell Grisham, Priest of St. Paul's Epsicopal Church, Kate Guendling, lay-leader and licensed Unity Teacher at Unity Church, Roman Ruiz, Academic Advisor for Educational Talent Search division of diversity at the University of Arkansas and Jordan Garcia, member of the Northwest Arkansas Center for Equality.