So Many Thank Yous!
It's a beautiful day in downtown Fayetteville, with trees ablaze and a light breeze, and we're feeling the love of all our contributing listeners who supported us during the fall on-air fundraiser. We love seeing our community come together during these drives with food donations from local restaurants and cafes, talking in person with all the lovely volunteers answering phones and hearing from folks about why they love KUAF.
As one of the folks who helps on social media I've really enjoyed seeing the Tweets, Instagrams and Facebook posts sharing stories of why you love KUAF. Though the on-air campaign is over we always love hearing your stories, so keep it up and remember to tag #ilovekuaf so we can be sure to see the post.
If you missed out and just simply didn't get your pledge in before the final moments of the on-air campaign, you can still donate online by visiting our secure web form at Thank you so much to everyone who called or went on-line to financially support your local public radio station. It's the support of KUAF listeners that makes public radio possible.
Again, thanks so much, and happy November!