Katy's blog

Diane Rehm Is Back!

-By Pete Hartman

A few programming changes to talk about here at KUAF...

Help Us Share the Love

-by Katy Henriksen

Kickoff to the Fort Smith Symphony's 90th Season

The Fort Smith Symphony kicks off its 90th anniversary season with a bang with a performance of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3 and Rachmaninov's Symphony No. 2, plus a composition debut from Charles Booker. Titled "Borderline," the work is a celebration of the symphony and the city it's called home for ninety years. The symphony welcomes guest pianist Alan Chow back to Arkansas.

KUAF Audio Advance: The Trashcan Bandits' "The Righteous and the Wicked"

-by Katy Henriksen

The raucous sounds of the Trashcan Bandits, a Fayetteville-based four-piece, transport the listener to a frigate at sea led by pirate-approved vocal stylings from Dane "Gumbo" Gamble. Their darkly upbeat sailor songs have an old-time feel thanks to three-part harmonies as well as prominent clarinet, mandolin, muted trumpet and banjo.

KUAF on Morning Edition

-By Katy Henriksen

Did you catch our own Jacqueline Froelich's piece on Morning Edition about Walmart's decision to expand health benefits to domestic and legally married same-sex partners? If not, here's a link to the piece. 

Soundcheck @ Smoke & Barrel #1: Fossils of Ancient Robots

-By Katy Henriksen

Eureka Springs may be best known for its hills full of Victorian and Queen Anne charm, but it's also the home to a synth-driven electronica band called Fossils of Ancient Robots. When I caught up with the three-piece for our debut Soundcheck @ Smoke & Barrel they had five synthesizers on stage. Check out our video from the session, filmed and edited by Sophie Bauer, which includes a conversation with the band and a few of their original tunes.

Protect Your Public Media

-by Katy Henriksen

Protect My Public Media's tagline is "take a stand for the local stations and programs you love." And it's never been easier to do that, with the launch of their brand new and beautifully redesigned website that brings social media to the forefront. Take a look here and share your story on why your local public media outlets, such as KUAF, matter to you and join in their latest campaign to, as they state, "help secure the future of public media."

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